Staff Lookup

From the Staff Lookup window you can select any member of your staff that has been created in any Sage Taxation system, regardless of their Access rights. The list may contain all staff members or it may be restricted to trustees, managers or employees. This is dependent upon from where in Sage Taxation you opened the window. For example, in the Add New Trust wizard when you are asked to enter which trustee introduced the new client, clicking the Lookup button will open the Staff Lookup window with a list of trustees only.

Find code/name - You can quickly select a staff member by entering the first letter(s) of the Code/Name that you are searching for. You can choose whether to search by their client code or their surname by selecting the appropriate button. The staff member that most closely matches or is nearest to your entry is highlighted in the list. Click Select or double-click on the highlighted name to confirm your choice.

Edit - You can edit any existing staff member's details by highlighting their name and clicking Edit. This will open the User Details form for that person.

Add - Select Add to add a new staff member to the list. Only an administrator can do this, therefore a password is required before you can proceed. Once you have entered your password, the User Details form will open, allowing you to enter the details of the new member of staff.

If you add a new member of staff of a different type to those being displayed in the Users window, you will be warned that the new staff member will not appear in the list.


If the Staff Lookup window is currently displaying a list of all staff members who are trustees and you add a new client who is a manager, that new staff member will not be displayed in the Staff Lookup window when you return to it. The staff member will be available in Control Centre, however, and will appear in other instances of the Users window where appropriate.